
PACE is a project financed by the European Union and the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking to promote the use of fuel cells and hydrogen in buildings to generate heat and electricity. The aim is to support bringing the fuel cell micro-cogeneration technology to mass market level by deploying more than 2,800 units by 2021. By efficiently using hydrogen in fuel cells, households and small businesses can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills, and at the same time become more energy independent.

The project brings together the five leading European suppliers (BDR Thermea, Bosch, SOLIDpower, Sunfire and Viessmann), and will focus on customer homes and small enterprises. Manufacturers are supported by four partners – utilities, associations, consultancies, and research community – providing specific expertise (COGEN Europe, Danish Technical University, Element Energy and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts). PACE is a new € 90 million public-private project co-funded by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH JU).



PACE unit picture Diagram with all partners after HSLU joined Low Res


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